Recent surveys carried out by the Patient Group
Waiting area real time survey (Feb/March 2018)
Appointments system survey monkey survey (Jan-March 2019)
Waiting room equipment & online services Survey October 2019
Patient Group Survey September 2023
Patient Group AGM
Annual Report November 2022 - Ocotber 2023
The Patient Group comprises of patient volunteers, the Practice Manager and Assistant Practice Manager. Their primary aim is to establish a partnership between patients, doctors and staff of Haldon House Surgery to enhance the services provided by the Practice.
In accordance with their Terms of Reference the Patient Group meet in the surgery formally six times a year. During the year, the Chairman attended the surgery or took part in virtual or telephone discussions to progress the work of the Patient Group and the surgery.
The annual review of the Terms of Reference took place in November 2022. This continues to be the working document of the group.
The Practice Manager, Christine Ladbrook and Assistant Practice Manager, Alicia Hillyard, represent the Practice on the Patient Group with the Partners and clinical staff attending meetings as and when required.
All Patient Group members sign a confidentiality agreement to enable them to have an open and transparent relationship with the surgery.
The monies raised from fund raising events and the library are used to purchase equipment for the practice to support patient care. They are held in the surgery accounts as a separate item and an update is given at each meeting by the Practice Manager.
One of the Patient Groups objectives is to raise money through fundraising for medical equipment or other facilities to enhance the Practice. The main fundraising activity is the Christmas Draw supported by the patient library and donations. This has raised nearly £13000 since November 2010 for the benefit of the patients of Haldon House Surgery.
Once again the Christmas Draw will be the main fundraising event to raise money towards Spirometry equipment for the surgery. Draw tickets on sale at the flu clinics will also be available in the surgery from Monday November 27th, with the draw taking place on Friday December 8th 2023.
Support for the Practice
Throughout the year, Patient Group members have been advised about and consulted on a number of issues relating to the operational and development of services in the surgery. These include staff changes and recruitment, the general management of the surgery and its services, doctors hours /opening hours. They regularly review the appointment system and in particular they look at the data on missed appointments and discuss options to reduce this. They are consulted on the action required as a result of patient surveys.
They have been briefed on GP Appointment Data and Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Disease Prevalence reports. Members received a briefing by the WEB Primary Care Network (PCN) Pharmacy Technicians on their role in patient medication.
Patient Group members continue to be briefed about the developments of the Woodbury, Exmouth & Budleigh (WEB) Primary Care Network and how it operates for the benefit of the surgery and patients. The surgery takes an active role in the running of the WEB PCN and undertakes trials of new healthcare inititiatives when required.
Patient Group members helped at the Flu and Covid vaccination clinics in September. The Patient Group Secretary and Practice Manager have been involved in helping lead a walking group with another surgery. This has now ceased but they will be setting up a walking group for patients of Haldon House in the coming weeks.
Members are very pleased that the use of social media has raised the profile of the surgery and its services. Communication with patients using social media during the pandemic and since has been particularly useful in promoting health education and prevention.
Health Awareness
The Patient Group support the health awareness, prevention and education intiatives that are carried out throughout the year in the surgery on social media and those initiated by NHS Devon..
Patient Surveys
Surveys of patient opinion of Haldon House Surgery and its services remain an important activity of the Patient Group. It had not been possible to conduct face to face surveys during the pandemic, but one is being undertaken during October with the results being shared with all the staff.
WEB (Woodbury,Exmouth & Budleigh) Locality
Throughout the year, the Patient Group has actively supported the engagement and consultation work undertaken by NHS Devon, WEB Primary Care Network (PCN) and the WEB Community Health & Wellbeing Board on the future development of integrated health and social care services. They receive the WEB Community Health & Wellbeing Board minutes and reports and any relevant information from NHS Devon.
This has been another challenging year for the surgery and the Patient Group as they respond to the continuing changes and developments in the health and care systems both locally and by NHS Devon Local Care Partnership. The surgery has continued to evaluate and make changes to the initiatives introduced following the pandemic with the focus still on providing face to face appointments for those patients requiring them.
The communication between the surgery and Patient Group members continues to be very informative and much appreciated. This excellent relationship with the practice has ensured the success of our key objective of establishing a good dialogue between patients, doctors and staff to improve the quality of service provided and help shape the future of the practice.
My thanks to the Patient Group members, the staff of Haldon House and those patients that provide support for the work of the group particularly in its fundraising activities.
David M Bassett
Chairman 15th November 2023
Equipment Purchased Through Fundraising
The Patient Group reformed in November 2010 with one of its objectives to raise money through fundraising for medical equipment or other facilities to improve the practice.
The annual Christmas Draw provides the majority of income, with other income coming from the the patients library and donations from patients.
£9000 of items of equipment have been purchased since November 2010 - February 2019 to benefit patients and are:
January 2012 | Welch Allyn 24 hour Blood Pressure Machine | £1530 |
January 2012 | Pioneer DVD Player for the Reception | £139 |
January 2013 | Medisafe ECG Machine | £1631 |
January 2014 | Phlebotomy Chair | £700 |
July 2014 | Donation to the Reception Touchscreen | £300 |
January 2015 | Cardio Call | £900 |
January 2015 | Minor Ops Trolley | £200 |
December 2015 | Centrifuge (funds donated by Miss E Walters) | £1100 |
December 2016 | Patient Information System | £2500 |
December 2017 | 3 Mobile Heart Monitors + Minor Operation Cautery Equipment | £687 |
February 2019 | Blood Pressure Machine for the Waiting Room (including patient donations) | £1350 |
May 2022 | 24 Hour ECG machine | £750.00 |
August 2022 | Vitalograph COPD/Asthma Screening device | £72.00 |
Pictured here is David Bassett, PG Chairman using our new Blood Pressure monitor
A new piece of equipment, a freestanding fully automatic blood pressure monitor is now in place in the surgery reception for use by patients. The monitor which was recently presented to the surgery by the Patient Group was funded from the Christmas Draw, the sale of books and a donation from two patients. The blood pressure machine is simple to use with easy to follow instructions and will help patients monitor their own health.
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Patient Group
Terms of Reference
The Patient Group comprises patient volunteers and the Practice Manager and/or the Assistant Practice Manager. The aim of the Group is to establish a partnership between patients, doctors and the staff of Haldon House Surgery to enhance the services provided by the Practice.
Establish a dialogue between the patients, doctors and staff to improve the quality of service provided and help shape the future policies of the practice.
Set up and maintain a Patient Reference Group (PRG)
Be involved in the construction, mailing and analysis of patient surveys
Act as a ‘safety valve’ for dealing with issues and complaints about the practice – representing patients but also helping them to understand the practice’s point of view.
Help with patient clinics from time to time – e.g. flu vaccinations / BP clinics.
Help with organising Patient Health Events to promote good health and preventive medicine.
Fundraising for medical equipment or other facilities to improve the practice.
Maintain the patient library
Liaise with other Patient Groups to monitor and influence healthcare locally and nationally.
Membership of the Patient Group is open to all registered patients of Haldon House Surgery.
The Patient Group shall be governed by a committee comprising not less than six and no more than ten patient volunteers and the Practice Manager. The Practice Partners will be ex-officio members of the committee. A Chairman and Secretary shall be elected from the patient volunteers at the Annual General Meeting. The committee will meet bimonthly and will be quorate if one officer, the Practice Manager or their representative, and three patient volunteers are present.
Attendance at Meetings
Failure to attend three consecutive meetings without due reason shall render membership of the committee void.
Annual General Meeting
This will be held not later than the 30th November and will be open to all patients. The meeting will be advertised as widely as practicable at least 3 weeks before this date. The following will be considered:
an annual report from the Committee, a financial statement and such other information as the Committee deem desirable.
the election of the Officers and Committee for the following year.
The Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually.
D M Bassett
Reviewed November 2023
Your PG
Patient Group
Chairman | David M Bassett
Tel: 01395 488718 |
Secretary | Judy Murray Tel: 01395 263823 e-mail: |
Members |
Gerry Bassett Tony Siddall Alma Wiseman Geoff Bulger Brenda Craig Michael Clarke |
Practice Manager | Christine Ladbrook
Haldon House Surgery Tel: 01395 222777 |