Opening Times Specialist Clinics SystmOnline

37-41 Imperial Road, Exmouth, EX8 1DQ

Tel: 01395 222 777

Contact Details


For advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health & wellbeing, please visit the links below:


Healthy Start Programme - free food vouchers and vitamins for registered families

The programme helps families with young children get free food vouchers for milk, plain fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables and infant formula milk – along with free coupons for vitamins for children and pregnant women. 

Families can find out if they are eligible on the Healthy Start website (if they have children under 4 or are pregnant and receive qualifying benefits).  Families fill in an application form which can be printed off the website and posted to Healthy Start.  Once they are registered the vouchers are sent directly to them.  Families can use the vouchers in registered shops and vitamins are currently being posted to families (once they are registered) by Children's’ Centres


Stop Smoking

Ready to quit smoking but not sure how to do it? We are here to help you. Call the Surgery on 01395 222777 or pop into reception to book an appointment (or telephone call if you are unable to get into the Surgery) with our nursing team who have been expertly trained to help and support you in quitting.

There’s also lots of free support available to help you go Smokefree and give up for good. Visit the NHS Quit Smoking website to find the help that works for you.



Perhaps you are a smoker who would like to give up for good? Or you might want to aim for a healthier weight but can’t find the time or motivation. Do you need support to get more active? Or are you worried you might be drinking too much? Whatever your goal, OneSmallStep can help.

Visit the OneSmallStep website


Tri-Hards Exmouth

Tri Hards - Exmouth website

Search for the groups on Facebook:

Tri-Hards Gents Exmouth & Tri-hards Ladies Exmouth